Summer by the Sea


This is the second to last day of camp and I am so expectant for big things to happen. The two girls who don’t know You have weighed heavily on my heart this week and I need Your strength as I share the Gospel with them tonight. I ask that you work in their hearts so that they will be open to all that Jesus has done for them.

I feel so much joy today because I get to share the best news the world has ever known with Your children! I am so glad to get the opportunity to share Your message of reconciliation and freedom to these sweet girls. What else is worth while in life? Lord thank you for sending me! Speak through me!

You’re all I want, God

You’re all I need.

I love you Jesus, madly, deeply.

Your will be done.


A Compromising Culture: (What Turns People Off?) Part 2

Why are some Christians called “Bible-thumpers” and “bigots?”

A good friend of mine went off to study the Bible at a Bible college in Europe and had the typical expectations that she would be entering a loving Christian community that withholds their judgments towards the students.

Sadly, she was wrong.

My friend grew up in the church and experienced youth group from a young age, which meant she was accustomed to the ups and downs that comes with the Christian community.

Keep in mind that the downs did not come from the Christian part, but instead they came from the community aspect, which is filled with humans who have a sinful nature.

Her story continues in the living quarters at this Bible college where she had multiple encounters with the resident advisor (RA) that were less than pleasant. The second she stepped out of the room her RA would point out something in her wardrobe that seemed inadequate for Christian “community standards.” It is absolutely reasonable to assign a dress code and enforce modesty, but when my friend’s skirt was a few centimeters above the knees, she doesn’t need to feel devalued by her RA or feel like she may be “causing boys to stumble,” a term she heard frequently.

This was a daily occurrence and constantly poured waves of discouragement into my friend’s experience at this Bible college.

Tears. Stress. Fear. All feelings felt in a Christian environment for not upholding “community standards” perfectly. Something I’m sure we all can relate to at some point in time.

The answer to this is the other extreme of being a Christian that turns people off is Legalism.

My last post discussed the importance of staying true to God’s word and not giving in to a compromising attitude that keeps up to date with the culture.

Let’s talk about Legalism for a second. Do you enjoy being told you’re wrong or aren’t following the rules according to your Christian leaders who are called to love?

I sure don’t.

Christian leaders who are legalistic do not waver in their attempts to follow the Bible word for word. While that may be seem good, Jesus came to this earth for two different reasons: to bring truth and grace equally.

John 1:17 says that “the law was given through Moses, grace and truth came through Jesus Christ.” My pastor at Bayside Church said there aren’t two ways to view Christianity, he said Jesus gave us a third way, which is to perfectly combine grace and truth.

If you don’t know what that looks like, pick up your Bible and read about Jesus.

I can’t tell you enough how much my heart goes out to people who have a certain negative idea of the gospel simply because they felt belittled or judged by a Christian, a person who is supposed to be the hands and feet of Jesus.

I experienced a setting similar to my friend when working in an environment that was all about “Christian community” and following “community standards.” There have been moments when I wanted to turn away from the faith all together because my character was being called out for my inability to follow “community standards” to a perfect tee while I was pouring my heart out to groups of young girls in ministry.

If you are a Christian leader, please, for the sake of millions people who need to know Jesus, relentlessly pray that you don’t develop pride over how well you are upholding the Bible’s standards and forgetting to encourage and validate the people you are leading. 

We want our hearts to reflect this inspiring message by a missionary who yearned to reach pagan Indians in Ecuador, “I only hope that He will let me preach to those who have never heard that name Jesus. What else is worth while in life? I have heard of nothing else. Lord send me!” -Jim Elliott

A Compromising Culture: (Liberal Theology) Part 1

We are living in a world that is changing at a rapid pace. Some of us are finding it more and more difficult to keep up.

There are religions that are being created or altered by the minute. There are laws that are oppressing our freedoms all over the world. There are injustices that are continually increasing due to mankind’s fallen nature. Why do things seem to get worse and worse?

The answer is simple. People don’t believe in absolutes anymore. Our human nature likes to make decisions and form their beliefs off of how they feel instead of following a moral compass that is rooted in love.

The Bible can present seemingly unfair situations that are left either ignored or justified. It is for this reason that many people are deterred from its teachings due to a misinterpretation of its values.

Most liberal Christians and theologians believe the Bible to be man-made without inerrancy, promote receptiveness to contemporary sciences, and place emphasis on moral duties. The term ‘liberal’ confuses people because they typically assume that it means ‘democrat’ or is in relation to politics. However, it is defined as being open to new behaviors and opinions while being willing to abandon traditional values, hence the part of the title called “A Compromising Culture.”

The world’s leading apologist Ravi Zacharias believes the Bible to be the only book that has withstood both the test of time and rigorous scrutiny since its creation. Liberal theologians tend to rely upon human reason and opinion instead of the concrete facts that the Bible presents. Donald E. Miller states in The Case for Liberal Christianity, “Scripture and creeds need not be viewed as metaphysical statements; rather, they are affirmations of the Christian community at a particular moment in time (7).” This seems to reject the Apostle Paul’s teaching that “all Scripture is inspired by God and is useful to teach us what is true…it corrects us when we are wrong and teaches us to do what is right (New Living Translation, 2 Tim. 3.16).”

Some people pick and choose what they want to believe in the Bible and that is how liberal theology appears to function. Arguments regarding the Christian faith are often presented by people who are skeptical about accommodating certain implied Christian beliefs in the Bible that are said to be inherently true. Liberal theologian Harold DeWolf justifies this by saying, “they cannot honestly believe that only seventy-six generations separated Jesus found in Luke 3:23-38…and [the Bible] must be taken as signs of legend-making, guesswork, or inaccurate recording,” (186). Essentially, liberal theology is teaching that human logic and intellect must be emphasized and treated as the ultimate authority transcending the Bible.

The open-minded approach to theology is said to have produced a third way in Christian beliefs between orthodoxy and secularism due to its ability to connect numerous ways of thinking (Fay 7). Liberal theology is based on being open to human logic and reason “especially [with] the natural and social sciences” because there is more room for justification and interpretation according to a person’s perspective (Dorrien, p. xxii). This perspective can be seen as more tangible than God’s word because for the most part, it is difficult to physically hear or see God.

For example, the arts and sciences are studied because they are abstract with definitive goals and answers that relate to the modern intellectual inquiry of our times. Ian G. Barbour, a well-known physicist and theologian, revealed a distinction between humans and nature with humans and God to depict a correlation between science and religion (Russell 17-19). Barbour said of science and religion that “Both fields of inquiry mixed subjective factors with claims to objective knowledge” (Dorrien 495). This is an example of an argument with goals that include receptivity to scientific rationalization and analysis. Most liberal theologians seek God and create a moral compass that is only aligned with updated scientific discoveries and perceptible social evaluation (Miller 33). It allows the most intelligent people of our time to have authority over Scriptures when there is a conflict with their studies and the Bible.

Through researching many well-known liberal theologians such as Donald E. Miller, Gary Dorrien, Eli Fay, and Ian Bradley, a common thread between them displays liberal theology as not completely rejecting the Bible, but instead allowing the “modern mind” to become open to scientific discovery and modern reason in which to be preeminent in contemporary theology.

An ideology that is considered by most people is the discovery of their moral compass and how that can be shaped by society and religious beliefs. According to author S. D. Gaede of “When Tolerance is No Virtue,” Christians are called to be people of truth and justice in which we seek to be in unity with all people. *The part where this becomes unclear is how to remain people of truth and justice in a culture with diverse perspectives.*

Liberal Christian theologians tend to create logically based religious examples and ideas that mirror the class, gender, social, and political settings from which they transpire. In a pluralistic society, it is important to be aware of the context from which conclusions are drawn from, including the Bible and nonreligious sources. “The individual is met with a smorgasbord of religious alternatives, each serving up a slightly different offering of doctrine, community, and style” (Miller 100). It is assumed that one should keep silent if one’s personal religious or social convictions might be considered offensive to others.

This is also known as ‘political correctness.’

For instance, people are constantly discussing sensitive social issues that display the natural ability to be true to your own convictions that should be inclusive of different experiences, perceptions, and certainties. Some of these issues may be “[women’s rights], the poor, minorities, and others disenfranchised from the prevailing power structures” (Hunter 215).

These are things that people relate to, develop passions for, and can emotionally connect with because it is in front of our eyes on a daily basis. The arduous task that social issues present involves how people can see eye to eye in which the discussion includes how these issues may have been socialized or shaped by the surrounding environments. That is where liberal theology comes into play because it creates conciliation between opposing parties such as liberal worldviews and strict commandments in Scriptures.

Liberal theology is attractive to a lot of people because it teaches them things they want to hear for the stage of life that they are currently in. In the nineteenth century, liberal Christians emphasized Jesus’ ministry and loving teachings to be set as the global standard of life that is separated from supernatural influence.

Since then, many compromises have been made regarding beliefs in miracles and accepting the divinity of Christ because it is easier to justify sin.

For example, according to a 2007 study done for Journal of Family Issues, people who have a more liberal perspective with Christianity can be more susceptible to partake in marital infidelity and sexual immorality such as having sex before marriage (Burdette, Ellison, Sherkat, Gore 1556). The reason for this is due to the fact that they are simply trying to enact a moral vision rather than strictly follow the commandments in the Bible that were made to train human nature.

All individuals were given free will in which we make decisions every single day to either respond thoughtfully or react impulsively to multiple situations. “Certainly moral impotence correlates with a loss of the will” (Miller 93). This may be interpreted that we are open to corruption due to social conditions, which cause many people to think that they aren’t always responsible for their actions. For example, the common view of liberal theology regarding moral allegations from Christianity is it’s “simply a matter of personal and social conviction…there are no absolutes” (Rieff 13). Essentially, liberal theology supports the Bible’s teachings on love and harmony, but discards most of the teachings on ethics and values.

There is a disconnection with social convictions and the Bible because some do not view the Bible as a legitimate source. This concept helps describe the mindset behind theology but is slowly being surpassed by the popular liberal perspective of incorporating complete tolerance and impartiality.

It is important to understand the movement of liberal theology as its intentions involve connecting common worldviews with those of the Bible. Through this analysis, those intentions are keen to warp the Bible into a book of morals, which are followed or not followed based on personal convictions that were shaped by society or their own fallen human nature.

This can be seen through several points believed by most liberal Christian theologians, which include the Bible as a human document not inspired by God, to uphold an openness to modern sciences, and enact moral visions trumping concrete obligations as seen in the Bible.

Therefore, one might think that this liberal perspective may be too compliant to political correctness and acceptance of immoral behavior to be able to consider itself in relation to true followers of Jesus Christ.

Come to the Water, Taste and See

I love the cross. I love the fact that when Jesus died on the cross it meant that we could come before Him as we are.

I knew coming to college would be a growing experience and I would learn more about myself and meet new people and hopefully grow in my relationship with Jesus. God’s response to that thought in my head was, “Hey Lo, that’s cute.” Yeah… that was cute because God revealed Himself in my life so heavily and He did way more than I could have ever expected I’m still trying to process everything that He has done.

Growing in a Christian home has been easily one of the biggest blessings in my life because it gave me an incredible foundation and understanding of how God designed a home that strives to honor and serve Him. My mom once told me, “Lauren, no matter how far you think you’ve fallen from God, I’ve watched you always find your way back to Him.” That is only true because Jesus rooted Himself so deep into my soul at such a young age that that’s all I’ve ever known. My second home, Bayside Church, helped increase my knowledge in the truths of the Bible and equip me to stand firm in my faith in this crazy and chaotic world that we live in.

Now you have the background of my life, which has played a huge part in who I am today.

In a nutshell, I have encountered the fullness of God’s presence, witnessed the undeniable power of God, watch lives irrevocably changed in the name of Jesus, and cultivate God-honoring friendships with people who are wholeheartedly sprinting after Jesus. I truly didn’t expect God to take me so far outside of my comfort zone that I would come back home an entirely new individual transformed by His overwhelming grace with an identity that is firmly built up in the Lord.

My life group with Mosaic Community Church is filled with people who are constantly brought to their knees because they have given themselves over to Jesus.

They have surrendered.

They have surrendered their own desires, their sins, and their souls to Jesus, the founder and the perfector.

That is not an easy thing to do; I know this from personal experience. I was absolutely wrecked for a few weeks about four months ago when God stripped away every impurity from me and it didn’t feel good at all if I’m going to be honest. I’ve never liked getting in trouble or dealing with consequences from a young age. I got a pink slip in second grade for taking two candy bars instead of one and almost died of shame.

Dealing with sin and realizing that I actually deserve hell isn’t necessarily something I want to think about as a college student trying to maintain friendships and focus on school. And guess what? Even after those few weeks when I was distraught after that revelation that I’m a stone cold sinner, I have actually continued to fail Him.

But I realized something very important. Something that answers so many questions to so many people and has changed my relationship with God.

**If completely fixing myself until I’m seemingly perfect is the only way to walking intimately with the Lord, then I will never walk intimately with the Lord**

I learned through people in my life group that Jesus wants me to come to Him with my heart and that means letting go of guilt and shame. That’s the whole point of the gospel.

Going to church and talking about your faith is not good enough. We are called to be gold that can only be purified by God. The only way gold can be purified is by being put in the fire. Yes, that means we do have to go through some fire in order to reach a raw and deep relationship with God. No, that is not fun in any way. Yes, that is absolutely scary. But, it is so worth it I can’t even express it in words.

Having a mediocre faith may get you so far, but hungering after Jesus and tasting His love is something that I will never give up. I literally feel like I’m dying when I’m not perfectly in step with the Spirit. I want more of Him all the time. I literally ask Him to pour His presence down on me. He has set such a huge fire in my soul that I literally feel the burning sensation from the Holy Spirit. I crave that feeling every second that when I feel it again I can’t contain myself. I have been absolutely wrecked for and by Jesus.

This is what I have taken away from my first year of college. Jesus. That is all. He has been the source of my growth this year and I do not say that lightly.

He is enough. He is all I need. He is all I want. More of Jesus, forever and ever and ever.

Return to Him, Repent for your sins, be Renewed, receive Redemption, and Rejoice in this freedom. (Isaiah in a nutshell)



Let’s Be Men, Please

“Be on your GUARD; stand FIRM in the faith; be men of COURAGE; be STRONG.” -1 Corinthians 16: 13 is empowering and inspiring and convicting.

Paul is addressing the men in Corinth, saying to always be watchful and alert for spiritual enemies, know the gospel that has brought them salvation, stand against false teachers and deal with sin upfront, and live with the strength given by the Holy Spirit.

We need our men to be the protectors of women’s hearts and bodies, withholding their flesh from sexual aggression and anger.

We need our men to be faithful to God and their families, and not run away from adversities.

We need our men to know who they are and develop their values from the Bible, robust in the face of pornography and lustful desires.

There is one person in particular that has taught me how to

choose love and not hate,

choose wisdom and not wavering emotions,

choose to respond gracefully and not react impetuously.

This man is unique in the way he views the world and faces worldly issues. His positive and reverberating impact on any environment he is in displays true devotion to God and is a prime example of a vessel God uses to reach others.

My dad, Craig Crandall, has graced this world with his presence and blessed my family with his intellect, leadership, humbleness, and direction.



We love you…

We will stand strong by your side, grateful to have a father that will go above and beyond to comfort a friend or to simply make somebody feel valued.

We will stand confident by your side, deeply appreciative to have a father who inspires us to live a life of purpose in which to honor and love God with everything that we do.

We will stand humble by your side, feeling blessed to have a father who speaks for those who don’t have the strength to and a father who will go without sleep to help his family and others in need.

You are a catalyst for other people’s faith. You have shown me how to seek truth and trust God. Thank you for changing my life and for loving me throughout every season of life.

With love from your daughter,


Be Still.

There’s something really special that happens in your heart when you know a season of life is about to end.

I went on my last trip down to Mexicali, Mexico with Bayside Church in the beginning of April. This was my fourth time attending this missions trip and my third time visiting the same exact church.

This week was less about taking the first step to follow God, I’ve already done that. Instead, it was a week where I chose to be still with God and not overthink anything or complicate my thoughts.

What does that mean to ‘be still with God?’

To sit in your chair and look up at the sky in silence waiting for God to do something?


I simply asked God to clear my thoughts and fill my entire being with His presence constantly as I served my heart out. I literally asked God to do that every second I felt like I wasn’t fully focused on Him and His will.

In doing so, without even knowing it verses were popping in my head all the time. I was thanking God constantly for each moment I spent with the kids at this church in Mexico. One of the days I full on experienced God’s power as He healed me from being incredibly sick.

I could go on and on and on…

This decision led to far more rewards than I could have ever dreamed would be possible and let me tell you, each day was an experience.

Instead of spending a whole day with God, I spent an entire week with Him and I know my soul has been recharged and renewed.

Psalm 46:10 “Be still and know that I am God.”

That verse is power.

This video is an example of God touching my heart as I was still and at peace with His presence.

Building Your Faith is to Serve: Part 1

I filmed this video in hopes of bringing out the true meaning of serving and why it is so important to prepare your heart to serve.

As a Christian, I am aware of all the controversies that surround religion and the hypocrisies that are revealed by many religions, including Christianity. This is not God’s intention at all. He sent His only son down to earth to help others understand His power and His love.

His love…

The difference between Satan’s corrupted world and God’s people is God has already won. Therefore, let’s rejoice in that fact and stop worrying so much about what’s not going right in our lives.

In our world there is an incredible amount of corruption, deception, depression, and evil.

That is inevitable.

People focus too much on political controversy (who’s republican and who’s democrat and I don’t like them because they believe in prop 8 or they’re evil because they think Planned Parenthood should be defunded), trying to justify why their way is correct and yours isn’t.

We all do it.

It’s time for people to give up their pride and bring their focus off of themselves and on to our creator, our loving Father who desires that all of us simply love Him and love others.

Let’s work together to put a stop to the growing movement of narcissism.

I used to get hung up over social issues and dive into the secret messages of our society and the conniving propaganda behind politics. But I’m telling you, that got me nowhere except gaining more fear and not focusing on what’s most important, which is maintaining my relationship with God.

I need to keep God’s commands, listen to His word, and let go.

Let go.

I learned why it’s important to let go in church the other night when one of my pastors, Curt, was discussing Jesus’ message to the church in Philadelphia in the book of Revelations. All we need to do is “obey God’s word and not deny His name” and let go of our pride.

God loves us and wants us to serve His beloved children and let the rest of our lives be the best of our lives.

As I filmed this video with my sister, we both observed so many people at our trainings for this mission trip and saw so many genuine Christians coming together to grow and get right with God so they can truly let go and let God work through them.

I want this video to show that there are still large amounts of Christians who are able to put others ahead of themselves as it says in Philippians 2:3-4 “Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit, but in humility consider others better than yourselves. Each of you should look not only to your own interests, but also to the interests of others.”

We have been through several trainings growing closer as teams, praying together, and building each other up because serving others and living your life outside of yourself is a serious matter to God.

This is the heart of the gospel message and it’s an incredibly moving experience.

Luke 12:35 Be dressed ready for service and keep your lamp burning.

Ode to Karen’s

Spring is just around the corner and flowers are starting to bloom. I enjoy the outdoors seeing life that has formed anew.

So many exciting and beautiful things happen in people’s lives during this blissful season.

Engagements, weddings, babies, high school and college graduations, etc…

My favorite part about Spring is spending time growing in fellowship, gaining new perspective, and sharing life with amazing friends at cute little cafes that give you an option to sit outside and enjoy the colors of Spring time. Times like these fulfill my heart’s desires and I cherish these moments as I truly appreciate God’s creation.

Karen’s in Folsom, CA is a quaint and lively cafe that offers an incredibly delicious selection of pastries and sweets, gourmet food, and professional cakes.

Walking inside Karen’s, eating her food, and meeting with friends during the Spring time is truly fulfilling.


Joys Unchangeable Fate

You can still find happiness in this dark world.

There will always be pain in suffering in this world.

There will always be ups and downs making you feel lost and upset.

Thankfully, God gave us the feeling of joyfulness to change your life, as long as you choose joy. Everything comes down to the choices we make.

Everybody is different when it comes to empathy and how you handle certain situations. Some people put up a wall and don’t let anything affect them in any way whereas others are constantly feeling a weight on their hearts simply because others are hurting. It is so important to relate to others and understand they aren’t in a good place or in a great place, but you need to stay encouraged and show others you can find the positives in any situation. 

I used to find myself in deep depressions during times in my life where I should be feeling overjoyed because I would let the world overtake my heart. I didn’t understand why bad things happened to good people are why there was so much suffering, but there is one light in this world that keeps the joy alive and that is Jesus Christ.  

My dad used to teach me the importance of finding joy in any given situation because that will automatically change your attitude allowing you to respond better to that situation.

Life will continue to throw obstacles all over the place and yet there is still an unchangeable fate in your life and that is joy, all you have to do is constantly choose it everyday.

