Let’s Be Men, Please

“Be on your GUARD; stand FIRM in the faith; be men of COURAGE; be STRONG.” -1 Corinthians 16: 13 is empowering and inspiring and convicting.

Paul is addressing the men in Corinth, saying to always be watchful and alert for spiritual enemies, know the gospel that has brought them salvation, stand against false teachers and deal with sin upfront, and live with the strength given by the Holy Spirit.

We need our men to be the protectors of women’s hearts and bodies, withholding their flesh from sexual aggression and anger.

We need our men to be faithful to God and their families, and not run away from adversities.

We need our men to know who they are and develop their values from the Bible, robust in the face of pornography and lustful desires.

There is one person in particular that has taught me how to

choose love and not hate,

choose wisdom and not wavering emotions,

choose to respond gracefully and not react impetuously.

This man is unique in the way he views the world and faces worldly issues. His positive and reverberating impact on any environment he is in displays true devotion to God and is a prime example of a vessel God uses to reach others.

My dad, Craig Crandall, has graced this world with his presence and blessed my family with his intellect, leadership, humbleness, and direction.



We love you…

We will stand strong by your side, grateful to have a father that will go above and beyond to comfort a friend or to simply make somebody feel valued.

We will stand confident by your side, deeply appreciative to have a father who inspires us to live a life of purpose in which to honor and love God with everything that we do.

We will stand humble by your side, feeling blessed to have a father who speaks for those who don’t have the strength to and a father who will go without sleep to help his family and others in need.

You are a catalyst for other people’s faith. You have shown me how to seek truth and trust God. Thank you for changing my life and for loving me throughout every season of life.

With love from your daughter,
