Be Still.

There’s something really special that happens in your heart when you know a season of life is about to end.

I went on my last trip down to Mexicali, Mexico with Bayside Church in the beginning of April. This was my fourth time attending this missions trip and my third time visiting the same exact church.

This week was less about taking the first step to follow God, I’ve already done that. Instead, it was a week where I chose to be still with God and not overthink anything or complicate my thoughts.

What does that mean to ‘be still with God?’

To sit in your chair and look up at the sky in silence waiting for God to do something?


I simply asked God to clear my thoughts and fill my entire being with His presence constantly as I served my heart out. I literally asked God to do that every second I felt like I wasn’t fully focused on Him and His will.

In doing so, without even knowing it verses were popping in my head all the time. I was thanking God constantly for each moment I spent with the kids at this church in Mexico. One of the days I full on experienced God’s power as He healed me from being incredibly sick.

I could go on and on and on…

This decision led to far more rewards than I could have ever dreamed would be possible and let me tell you, each day was an experience.

Instead of spending a whole day with God, I spent an entire week with Him and I know my soul has been recharged and renewed.

Psalm 46:10 “Be still and know that I am God.”

That verse is power.

This video is an example of God touching my heart as I was still and at peace with His presence.

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