Building Your Faith is to Serve: Part 1

I filmed this video in hopes of bringing out the true meaning of serving and why it is so important to prepare your heart to serve.

As a Christian, I am aware of all the controversies that surround religion and the hypocrisies that are revealed by many religions, including Christianity. This is not God’s intention at all. He sent His only son down to earth to help others understand His power and His love.

His love…

The difference between Satan’s corrupted world and God’s people is God has already won. Therefore, let’s rejoice in that fact and stop worrying so much about what’s not going right in our lives.

In our world there is an incredible amount of corruption, deception, depression, and evil.

That is inevitable.

People focus too much on political controversy (who’s republican and who’s democrat and I don’t like them because they believe in prop 8 or they’re evil because they think Planned Parenthood should be defunded), trying to justify why their way is correct and yours isn’t.

We all do it.

It’s time for people to give up their pride and bring their focus off of themselves and on to our creator, our loving Father who desires that all of us simply love Him and love others.

Let’s work together to put a stop to the growing movement of narcissism.

I used to get hung up over social issues and dive into the secret messages of our society and the conniving propaganda behind politics. But I’m telling you, that got me nowhere except gaining more fear and not focusing on what’s most important, which is maintaining my relationship with God.

I need to keep God’s commands, listen to His word, and let go.

Let go.

I learned why it’s important to let go in church the other night when one of my pastors, Curt, was discussing Jesus’ message to the church in Philadelphia in the book of Revelations. All we need to do is “obey God’s word and not deny His name” and let go of our pride.

God loves us and wants us to serve His beloved children and let the rest of our lives be the best of our lives.

As I filmed this video with my sister, we both observed so many people at our trainings for this mission trip and saw so many genuine Christians coming together to grow and get right with God so they can truly let go and let God work through them.

I want this video to show that there are still large amounts of Christians who are able to put others ahead of themselves as it says in Philippians 2:3-4 “Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit, but in humility consider others better than yourselves. Each of you should look not only to your own interests, but also to the interests of others.”

We have been through several trainings growing closer as teams, praying together, and building each other up because serving others and living your life outside of yourself is a serious matter to God.

This is the heart of the gospel message and it’s an incredibly moving experience.

Luke 12:35 Be dressed ready for service and keep your lamp burning.